ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US Callous: Drinking Coffee - Pros and Cons



Drinking Coffee - Pros and Cons

Click above link to a recent compilation of scientific studies relating to drinking coffee--or just read below for the ones that I found interesting:

con - May be addictive and ultimately result in adrenal exhaustion
con - Raises Cortisol levels, resulting in blood vessels constricting
con - Bad for babies and unborn fetuses (ie low birth weight, birth defects, premature birth, miscarriages, inability to conceive, and sluggish sperm)
con - May irritate stomach lining causing increase in stomach acid production
con - Excites rapid peristaltic movements of the intestines resulting in shorted transit times and less absorption of nutrients
con - May aggravate osteoporosis by leaching calcium from the bones
pro - There are scientific studies that refute most if not all of the above effects, including but not limited to these reasons: many studies pre-1975 did not take into consideration whether or not the person also smoked, OR the fact that post 1975 coffee filters remove most of the chemicals.
pro - Caffeine increases intellectual activity when fatigued or bored
pro - Speeds up fat metabolism during exercise while conserving glycogen and glucose
pro - Prevents crystallization of cholesterol & reduces risk of gall stones
pro - Coffee has a protective affect against cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, and Parkinson's disease
pro - The Theophylline in coffee may be protective against asthma
pro - Has 4 times the anti-oxidants of Green Tea
pro - Recognized by the FDA as "Generally Safe"
pro - Has the ability to reduce the release of histamine from mast cells, thereby having anti-allergetic properties
neutral - Diuretic Effect :)


Blogger Unknown said...

hmmmm....wonder if they ever did one of those studies for Jager bombs.

3:31 PM  

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