South Pk

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My Test Results
....how about a theatrical mathematician? I think the interpretation of this is, Im either going to be the math class cutup who distracts everyone, or "that guy" in the play who says "We Need Focus, People!!!"
You scored as Mathematics. You should be a Math major! Like Pythagoras, you are analytical, rational, and when are always ready to tackle the problem head-on!
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with QuizFarm.com |
Baby got Back...
Here's my newest mix CD entitled Baby Got Back - A Retro Kids Song Album for Parents and Children. Friends are having kids...aaghh!
Link to it here
Smoking is Bad

Here's a great reason not to smoke. The "money shot" with local winners Organissimo at the WYCE Jammies awards...with a whisp of smoke. When will I learn, fool?!?!
Found Magazine
If you missed the last one, the Found Magazine travelling exhibit will be back at the DAAC October 8, 2005!
Its a Dangerous Week.
I have feelings of concern for this week. I got a weird sliver. This morning I read to the listeners of WYCE about the microchips the Humane Society puts into pets nowadays when you adopt. If that concept causes concern for anyone, take it from me: I know from personal experience that inserting microchips could not be so bad for the pets. My sliver looks kind of gross through the fingernail but it is starting to settle in and I think that within a couple of more days I will be used to it and will forget it is there.
I e-bayed "slivers" this morning, wondering if some crazy fan of Bruce Campbell or the like is currently trying to auction off a celebrity sliver. I found that the word "sliver" is often a typo in place of the word "silver." I cant imagine ever posting an ad on ebay with a typo, or even more so actually buying something from an ad with a significant typo in the title line. The most interesting typo I saw on ebay was "black & sliver bra and thong set" (ebay item #5405273745, starting bid $1.50). If I were in the market for used black and silver underwear I would definitely pass on the typo ad. If ya cant even get the listing right, Im not buying your underwear.
Current bids: 0
Shipping insurance: not offered.

Its a dangerous week.

Dont Miss This!!!
Man with the Screaming Brain
Bruce Campbell, B-Movie Star and cult icon, will appear in person at Wealthy St. Theatre for the signing of his book, MAKE LOVE THE BRUCE CAMPBELL WAY. Book signings start at 6 pm on Saturday, July 23 followed by a live introduction to his film at 9:45 pm. There will be a 10 pm showing of his film MAN WITH THE SCREAMING BRAIN. At 11:30 pm upon completion of the film, Bruce Campbell will conduct a Q & A with his audience. Cost for movie: $10 ish. Cost for book signing: free.
For a complete list of Bruce's "tour dates," visit Bruce-Campbell.Com.

The guy does do a good Elvis...

Why does the guy like his damned dog so much?!?
There are so many freakin' dog photos on this blog...why?
Im talking about myself here, and that's a valid question with a valid answer...
Theres nothing like waking up in the middle of the night in the summer with sweat covering your body and the evening breeze blowing small black and white dog hairs around the room, where they stick and wave around in the wind, causing the sensation to a half-conscious person of ants crawling over one's body. Yes, its the peak of sheddin' season and that time of year to remember why I even keep the old hair factory I named Mulligan STU around. Something I like...hmm...well, I like that he lets us do stuff to him without complaining. Thus the photos (prior posts). I like that he howls instead of barks. I like the game we invented where he "stays" in the kitchen and we hide a treat in the livingroom for him to sniff out of hiding. And I like the fact that whenever I swear he comes over to comfort me. Despite the puss in his driver side ear, the big fleshy lump on his chest, the $250 pair of shoes he chewed and the claw marks on the leather, I am fan of the STU.
GR Events Ongoing and Upcoming
Thursday night is movie night in Grand Rapids. For more info subscribe to: film@thedaac.org
10:30 PM July 7
This week's local park cinema event is at 10:30 pm in Eastown's Wilcox Park. Expect to see Akira Kurosawa's woodsy 1958 classic 'The Hidden Fortress' Wilcox Park at Norwood/Robinson SE (IMDB Link) The organizers of this event invite all to come sit out in one of GR's public parks and enjoy a movie. Because the event is outdoors and public they ask that people do not bring illegal substances, but do bring blankets and chairs.
Saturday July 9th Opening of the Mosaic Collaborative 1317 Fulton SE next door to Common Ground Coffee House. Includes Sado's Info shop, Octagon Active Arts, and an interactive world instrument museum, I'm not sure about times on this so it might be a good idea to just cruise by around 7ish?
Ive got nothing to say so here's some music I like:
Here's some music Ive been into lately:
Athlete, Aqualung, Bloc Party, Blue Van, Brazilian Girls, Caribou, Decemberists, Dressy Bessy, Four Tet, Kaiser Chiefs, Of Montreal, Raveonettes, Ryan Adams and the Cardinals, Secret Machines, Smog, Spoon, Stephen Malkmus, Sufjan Stevens, and Team Sleep. Also some Roy Ayers remastered and older Blackalicious.
itunes is great, the new podcast software came out last week. Click title above to download.
Drinking Coffee - Pros and Cons
Click above link to a recent compilation of scientific studies relating to drinking coffee--or just read below for the ones that I found interesting:
con - May be addictive and ultimately result in adrenal exhaustion
con - Raises Cortisol levels, resulting in blood vessels constricting
con - Bad for babies and unborn fetuses (ie low birth weight, birth defects, premature birth, miscarriages, inability to conceive, and sluggish sperm)
con - May irritate stomach lining causing increase in stomach acid production
con - Excites rapid peristaltic movements of the intestines resulting in shorted transit times and less absorption of nutrients
con - May aggravate osteoporosis by leaching calcium from the bones
pro - There are scientific studies that refute most if not all of the above effects, including but not limited to these reasons: many studies pre-1975 did not take into consideration whether or not the person also smoked, OR the fact that post 1975 coffee filters remove most of the chemicals.
pro - Caffeine increases intellectual activity when fatigued or bored
pro - Speeds up fat metabolism during exercise while conserving glycogen and glucose
pro - Prevents crystallization of cholesterol & reduces risk of gall stones
pro - Coffee has a protective affect against cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, and Parkinson's disease
pro - The Theophylline in coffee may be protective against asthma
pro - Has 4 times the anti-oxidants of Green Tea
pro - Recognized by the FDA as "Generally Safe"
pro - Has the ability to reduce the release of histamine from mast cells, thereby having anti-allergetic properties
neutral - Diuretic Effect :)
Stupid stupid stupid
Well, I did it again, I lost another bet by betting Paul from Boston on the outcome of the Patriots vs Indianapolis Colts game.
If Colts had won, I would have gotten hand crafted action figures of my girlfriend and some other friends of mine. As it happened, the Colts lost and Ill be creating a web site dedicated to the eternal church of Kiefer. A web site dedicated to collecting 30,000 signatures in order to qualify the "worship" of Kiefer Sutherland as a government-recognized religion, and thereby getting Monday nights off for Paul so he can watch 24 every week.
Click title above for last years bet, the Paulie Tribute Page.
"The Icicles" need some friends!
Great band, produced & distributed by a great local record label. See also "Sodastream's" site (prior post). Click above to hear & see!
I just found out about this and thought Id share it with you:
At the Intersection Lounge:
All Dates: 21+ welcome. No Cover charge. 8 pm doors. Half off drinks all night long.
Monday, January 10 – BREW AND VIEW with Martin Scorsese featuring Taxi Driver + Goodfellas
Monday, January 17 – BREW AND VIEW with Kevin Smith featuring Clerks + Chasing Amy
Monday, January 24 – BREW AND VIEW with Stanley Kubrick featuring Clockwork Orange + Full Metal Jacket
Monday, January 31 – BREW AND VIEW with Quentin Tarantino featuring Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2
Monday, February 7 – BREW AND VIEW with Indie Director Debuts featuring Napoleon Dynamite + Garden State
Monday, February 14 – BREW AND VIEW with lovey dovey John Cusack featuring Say Anything + High Fidelity
Monday, February 21 – BREW AND VIEW with Coen Brothers featuring Raising Arizona + The Big Lebowski
Monday, February 28 – BREW AND VIEW with John Hughes featuring Ferris Bueller’s Day Off + Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Sodastream needs some Friends.
A very fun band on a friend's record label. Click above to be impressed!
Motorola Will Rock You
Motorola is unleashing on society a snowboarding jacket that incorporates the technology of portable music and cell phones.
I can see some ups and downs with this idea. Visualize this: A shopping mall crowded with teenagers on a Saturday afternoon all wearing their new musical snowboarding jackets. On the other hand, they could add enjoyment to jogging.
According to CNET,
"Motorola and privately held apparel maker Burton of Burlington, Vt., will jointly develop jackets, helmets and caps aimed at the snowboarding set, to be released in the latter half of 2005.
The jackets will have a padded casing for a Motorola cell phone and an MP3 music player. They will feature a device on the sleeve that lets the wearer control incoming and outgoing calls, and toggle back and forth to music, sending audio signals to removable speakers in the hood."
The jackets will make use of Bluetooth technology.
"You'll see more things coming down the pike from us where we'll be taking this technology and vetting it with other partners," stated head of Motorola's Accessories department, Bruce Hawver.
Simpsons Super Heroes

Paulie's Simpsons / Super Heroes Collection

My friend Paulie's hobby is to change existing action figures into new ones. He even bought a Dremel! Click on the Title at the top of this post to see my Paulie Tribute Page (which he won from me in a Superbowl bet Jan/2004) for more shots of his handiwork.
My Top Albums of 2004!!
Best Folk:
Clumsy Lovers
Iron and Wine
Kings of Convenience (because its my Grandma's favorite--"Oh they have such beautiful voices...")
Cerys Matthews
Neko Case
Best Blues:
The Black Keys
Preacher Boy
Ben Harper & Blind Boys of Alabama
Little Axe
Bobby Rush
Best Jazz:
Ron Levys Wild Kingdom
Garaj Mahal
Deep Blue Organ Trio
Stefan Harris & Blackout
Best Rock:
Drive By Truckers
Architecture in Helsinki
Augie March
Magnetic Fields
Best Worldbeat:
Los Mocosos
Issa Bagayogo
Mo' Horizons
Best V/A:
Upstairs at Larrys (Vanguard)
Best Live Album:
North Mississippi Allstars
Neko Case
New Folk Album:
Iron and Wine
Cerys Matthews
Ditty Bops
New Blues Album:
New Jazz Album:
Garaj Mahal
Deep Blue Organ Trio
Stefan Harris & Blackout
New Rock Album:
Architecture in Helinski
Augie March
New Worldbeat Album:
Mo' Horizons
Issa Bagayogo
Local Folk Album - Potato Moon
Local Blues Album - Funkilinium
Local Jazz Album - Butterfat Trio
Local Rock Album - Icicles
Local Worldbeat Album - Fonn Morr
Best New Local Artist - The Concussions
Big Jammie Award - The Icicles
Prospero Ano Nuevo!
Note to all:
"Prospero Ano Nuevo" without the tilde wishes folks a prosperous new anus. Thanks to Kevin Murphy for indirectly wisening me.
Favorite Favotites
My friend JP made a mix for me. It goes a little something like this:
1.My Little Corner Of The World 2:25 Yo La Tengo
2.Plans Get Complex 2:41 All-Time Quarterback
3.She's Losing It 2:22 Belle & Sebastian
4.Falling 4:02 Ben Kweller
5.I'm Still Your Fag 4:23 Broken Social Scene
6.Nick Drake Tape 4:08 Clem Snide
7.(This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan Falling At Your Feet 3:41 Daniel Lanois
8.Heathens 4:47 Drive-By Truckers
9.Sunset Soon Forgotten 3:20 Iron & Wine
10.Out 4:02 Sodastream
11.The Transfiguration 5:19 Sufjan Stevens
12.Sunken Treasure 6:51 Wilco
13.Our Way To Fall 4:18 Yo La Tengo
14.Still Be Around 2:44 Uncle Tupelo
15.Title And Registration 3:39 Death Cab For Cutie
16.I Know You Tried 3:19 Luna
17.Nothing Better 3:46 The Postal Service